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Child Support

At the Tran Law Firm, we strive to calculate child support based upon verified factual information of each parties income and the actual expenses of the children. Our goal is to provide a clear picture of your legal options, so that you can protect your financial interests while providing for the best interests of your children.

Child Support Guidelines

Guideline child support is calculated using a number of variables: the number of children, the respective timeshares of the each parent, the gross monthly income of each parent, the tax filing status of each parent, and certain other deductions such as health insurance premiums, mortgage interest, union dues, necessary job expenses and hardship deductions.

What Is Income?

Generally any income, regardless of its source, is considered by the court in determining child support. The exceptions are income from child support payments and public assistance programs where the eligibility for program assistance is based on need.

Under California Family Code section 4058, income includes salaries and wages as well as commissions, bonuses, rents, dividends, pensions, interest income, income from a trust or annuity, benefits paid as a result of a workers compensation case, unemployment insurance, disability insurance benefits, Social Security benefits and spousal that is received from an unrelated case to the parent that seeks child support.

Contact A Walnut Creek Child Support Lawyer

Contact our Bay Area Family Law Firm to speak with a skilled child support lawyer. Call us at (925) 357-0431 or use our convenient online scheduling to set up a free initial consultation.